Thursday, April 3, 2008

I Don't Think We Are in Kansas Anymore...

Butte Cracks
Originally uploaded by dcumminsusa
I've been traveling quite a bit recently. In the last 30 days or so...

10 Days in Portland for Work
1 Day in Arizona for a Photography Seminar
3 Days in Northern Arizona for Camping/Photography
3 Days in California at Disneyland

Still to come in the next few weeks:

3 Days in Southern Arizona for Photography
4 Days in Utah for Camping/Photography

I'm enjoying these trips, but it's a lot of them in a short amount of time and all of them are occupying my weekends. I'm beginning to miss having a weekend where I don't have anyplace to be or anything to do. I realize most of these trips are of my own choosing, so I have no one to blame but myself.

I really liked the isolation while camping in Northern Arizona (pictured here). It was a huge contrast to the following weekend when the Girlfriend and I went to Disneyland during the Spring Break season. Ugh. Never again will we do that. We had a lot of fun, but there were long lines for everything.

I still want to plan at least two more trips for this year. I want to take another trip with the Girlfriend (most of the trips above have been without her) and dogs. It's always fun to have our dogs along. I would also like to take a trip with my dad. We do one every year and I don't want to make this year an exception. I'm still not sure what the destination will be for either trip; however I'm certain it will be fun.

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