Friday, June 26, 2009

My Girl's Gift to Me...

Hi Pretty Girl
Originally uploaded by dcumminsusa
I haven't blogged for some time and have been meaning post something.

Disclaimer: this post isn't about a significant event in my life, just a quick entertaining story.

This is Daisy, our only female dog. The Girlfriend claims she is a "Daddy's Girl."

About 2 weeks ago she brought me a gift; twice.

I came home from work and let the dogs outside like usual. The two males, Scout and Darby, came back inside while Daisy remained out in the backyard. I heard her run through the gravel just as she does every day.

This time it was different; something about the sound made me pause and then go to the back door to look outside.

There she was standing in the middle of the yard holding a mourning dove in her mouth. I did not want her to bring it into the house, so I went out into the yard and called her to me.

She stood there. She knew she had something good and wasn't about to hand it over.

I called her again.

She turned and went to the far corner of the yard; just holding the dove.

We played cat and mouse in the backyard for about 20 minutes. I took a step, she would take a step. Finally I cornered her and pried the bird out of her mouth (she refused to drop it on command). As soon as she dropped the bird the two males dogs moved in... I reached to grab them, releasing Daisy. In a flash she scooped up the dove again and was gone.

I found her in the hallway in the house, holding the dove. Once again I got the dove away from her and proceeded to take it to the front yard. I set it under a bush and let it be.

Ten minutes later, I was on the computer checking Twitter, Facebook, and Flickr. She came in to see me much like she does a few times a day, simply standing right next to my chair. I didn't look down at her and just proceeded to pet her. Then I realized the two males we simply staring at her and she wasn't moving.

I looked down at her, only to see her look up at me and then every so gently set a second dove down on the floor at my feet.

I took this bird to the front yard as well and as soon at I set it on the ground it flew off.

I'm waiting for her to bring the Girlfriend a "gift" while she is lying in bed; that will promise to be exciting...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aren't critters fun? What a cute story.
