Friday, March 22, 2019

Hug From A Stranger

I wondered when (or if) I would start blogging again. Facebook memories has reminded me of several blog posts over the last few months; which in turn reminded me of one of reasons I started this blog:maintain and improve writing skills that weren't needed by working in the technology industry.

Today provided me with a pretty good prompt, so here goes...

Hug Me

I stopped for a cup of coffee on my way to work this morning. As I got out of my vehicle I walked past another vehicle with an elderly man sitting in the front passenger seat and a woman out side of the vehicle saying,

"Dad I need you to unlock it."
"Push the button. No, not that button the other button."
"Dad push the unlock button."

I immediately recognized the situation.

I paused for a moment to offer help, but I knew for the confused elderly gentlemen a stranger giving directions would only add to the confusion so I continued on my way.

Suddenly I hear a car alarm going off and turn to see that it is coming from the woman's car. At this point I could see she was relieved to have the car open, but frustrated and embarrassed that her car alarm was doing its car alarm thing. She grabbed something from inside the car and then hurried past me into the coffee shop.

As she went buy, I asked if she needed any help.

"No, thank you it's just my dad." she replied over her shoulder.

I saw her approach another woman carrying a sizable order and say, "Give me the keys, Dad set off the car alarm."

I was holding the door open at this point and as she hurried back past me I said, "Don't worry, it's only a car horn. It's not a big deal."

"Thank you." she replied as both left the coffee shop.

As I finished paying for my order I felt a tap on the shoulder and turned around. It was the woman from the parking lot.

"Thank you! I really needed to hear what you said and it meant a lot." she said and then gave me a quick hug.

"You're welcome, I have been there with my dad. Roll with it as best you can and keep him safe."

Her thanks made my day and will be an event I will long remember; a hug from a stranger.

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