Sunday, October 26, 2008

Vote for the Loser? Or Vote for the Muslim Terrorist?

Self Portrait taken while listening to Senator Barack Obama speakLast night was a first for me.

It was the first time I attended a political rally... of any sort.

I attended a rally for presidential candidate Senator Obama. It was amazing to see how many people had turned out to show their support (most local news agencies report ~45,000 in attendance). On the surface I find it encouraging this many people (especially in my state) care.

However I'm wondering if they are doing it for the 'right' reasons. Allow me to explain... a week ago the Girlfriend and I attended a wedding reception. At the reception we introduced ourselves to a couple at our table. The topic of the election came up. He was a former marine and had served over in Iraq and was now a police officer. During the conversation they admitted that they were going to vote for Obama because John McCain was going to lose and they wanted to vote for the guy that won...

Za?! Really? Are you serious?

A shot of Senator Obama from the back of the crowd

Over the last several weeks I have been receiving lots of emails about why one shouldn't vote for one candidate or the other. Most of them were ridiculous and I was able to ignore them until... several of the anti-Obama emails began to pander to fear-mongering and demonizing Muslims. The emails contained little fact, a lot of lies, and a whole lot of anti-muslim implications. The gist:

Terrorist == Muslim == Obama == Vote for McCain.

I could not let these emails go by unanswered. There are plenty reason why both of these men should not be president. However, even if it were true that Barack Obama was Muslim (it's not)... so what? Why should it matter? At least 20% of the population in the U.S. is not Christian... that means at least 60 million U.S citizens don't share our current president's religious views. I replied to those emails with a bit of angst. Solid facts against one candidate or another are fine, but just don't tell me a lie based on fear and expect me to go with it. I hope the people at the rally do get out and vote.

45,000 people flood the street as the rally ends

In the last election (2004) I felt McCain was one of the stronger/better candidates. I'm not so sure now; previously he was very anti-Bush, then he was very pro-Bush, and now he is claiming he is anti-Bush again. Obama promotoes "change" however in the last year he has voted with the status quo on a few key issues of which I hold particular interest; claiming he would change them once he got in the White House. Why wait? If you believe in change, then start now... don't wait until it becomes more convenient.

Waving flag of an Obama supporterI want to get excited about a candidate and believe; but then I remember in the end they are both big politicians and they will continue to behave as such.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dan. I've been researching and arguing with pro-Obama folks for weeks now. I agree with you that neither of the "big 2" candidates really can fix anything; however, Obama takes the wrong tact on economic recovery (taxes on mid-large business and his typical 'redistribution of wealth' attempt at getting votes) and abortion (backing a flawed Supreme Ct judgement again for votes and to tow the party line.) Those 2, plus his lies/deception regarding his past and REAL beliefs make Obama dangerous; McCain is just banal. See these factual links:
and especially this:

D said...

Thanks for taking the time to read and especially comment on my blog Harry.

The first link in my mind is just more fear mongering. I don't care if Obama is Muslim or not. Contrary to a lot of people's opinions there are good Muslims too. His religion not an issue for me because I don't agree with everything President Bush believes either.

With regard to the second link... if it was indeed true that Senator Obama was not eligible to run for president due to his birth place, the Republican party would have fleshed that out long ago in order to keep a weaker Democratic candidate in the running.

The third link I have no response other than to say... they are both politicians and they both have lied and will continue to do so. I don't deny that, nor will ignore it.

As for the abortion issue, it's not black or white in my mind; pro-life or pro-choice.

Thanks again.

Sus said...

Excellent points you've brought up. I too have tried to engage some of my friends & co-workers who are anti-Obama for reasons you've listed: the Muslim issue, abortion issue. I too was a fan of McCain in the last election but he's just not the same man in the least bit. My question to people is simply this: "If you're life has been good for the past 8 years, if you've not had a drop in income or had a problem with health care then vote for McCain because I can understand then why you wouldn't want anything to change."

I'm not naive enough to believe that America with Obama is going to change overnight or even within a year. It's going to be a damn rough road but I'm willing to take a chance and believe in something different.