Monday, December 22, 2008

A December Rantings and Ramblings

(Click on any one of the images to view them on flickr.)

Getting Hot Under the Collar and Putting Out the Flames
Last week I wrote a LONG, angry post about an incident at work.

I never published that blog entry.

I was quite upset by this incident and the behavior of a few individuals. After some thought (and a voice of reason that sounded remarkably like the Girlfriend's voice) I decided not to publish that post. More and more of my co-workers are finding me via Facebook or Twitter, and so far all of these co-workers I would be happy to call my friends and on occasion hangout with them outside of work. In fact if it wasn't for the good company provided by several of these folks I probably would have quit my job a while ago.

However, in economic times like these where I work at a company that is very susceptible to the effects of discretionary spending of individuals and large corporations, I just assume not provide the smallest spark that will burn any of my bridges. Overall this past year I have been much more calm than in past years (at least in my highly biased opinion), but a few key points have really caused my blood to boil.

Looking Towards Next Year

I wish I could say I was looking down the road towards next year with some great excitement or anticipation, but quite frankly I'm focused on what I believe to be an impending storm on the horizon.

More than one member of my immediate family are struggling with health issues. I'm worried about what lies ahead for them. I like to think I'm optimistic, but after my grandmother lost her battle to cancer this last year my faith has been rocked.

As I mentioned above, I work for a company that is nearly 100% at the mercy of the disposable income of both individuals and businesses. We went through layoffs last year due to changes at our local site, but with the current economy I can't help but worry corporate wide cut backs will be made.

My job should be fairly secure, but that does not prevent me from worrying about my employment.

A Good Day

I am looking forward to spending time with family and loved ones over the next several days. I have lot to be thankful for in my life right now; a stellar girlfriend with four of the best dogs to have ever run and played on this planet. We have a nice warm home and plenty of food.

Today is going to be a Good Day.


Because it has to be. :-)

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