Wednesday, December 31, 2008

One-Hundred Ninety-Nine Point Eight

This isn't a New Year's Resolution.

This is about getting focused again and getting healthy.

The last time I was close to being this heavy was in November of 2005.

I'm not going back over 200lbs.

I'm going to be exercising 6 days a week from now on. I don't care how busy I am. 20 minutes of cardio minimum or worse on "strength" days I will follow my workout over at as a minimum.

My standard routine will be to attempt to follow the Body for Life workout routine as close as possible. I have done that program in the past; it made sense to me, and most importantly I enjoyed it.

The holidays are over and I need to seriously overhaul my diet. Food is the bane of my existence and what I used to get into this mess in the first place.

More to come...

1 comment:

noradawn said...

Dan, you're an awesome person at any weight. Don't forget that.