Thursday, January 22, 2009

No More Happy, No More Running...

Originally uploaded by dcumminsusa
Most people won't "understand" where I'm coming from on this...

This blog post is more a coping mechanism for myself...

He's only 10 years old.

Like most 10 year old boys, he loves running and jumping and playing.

He really liked his PE classes.

Playing chase with his brothers and sister.

Around Thanksgiving we thought he hurt his back.

He just collapsed in the kitchen.

We took him to the doctor. The doctor recommended acupuncture and some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

We made sure he was taking his pills and every week took him for acupuncture.

Then he started dragging his left foot.

The doctor switched from traditional acupuncture to vitamin B12 injections into the acupuncture points along the spine.

12 shots; every week. He took them like a trooper. No complaining; no crying.

He would improve for a day or two after the injections and go back to dragging his left foot.

After many attempts we got him into see a specialist.

He had to stay overnight for a Myelogram and CT scan.

Again like a little trooper he did it. His first time away from home with strangers. No complaining; no crying.

The results came back.

He has an inoperable tumor on his spine.

Our baby will eventually become paralyzed from the neck down.

No more running...

No more jumping...

No more playing..


no more ....

1 comment:

It's OK to be WEIRD! said...

I'm sorry, guys! I'm crying while I read this, knowing that your hearts are breaking. Love and hugs coming your way... it is never easy to go through these kinds of things with any family member, and I hope no one suggests it should be easier 'cuz he's a dog... it just sucks. I'm so sorry...