Saturday, November 24, 2007

Please Let Today Be A Good Day...

Its going to get better.

It has to.

I got on the scale today. 193.2lbs.

What the?!

Let me try that again... Damn, still 193.2lbs.

I checked my records (I track this stuff pretty closely when I'm training for a race). In August of 2006 I was 170lbs.

I remember weighing myself a few weeks ago and thinking, "185lbs, I need to loose 15lbs."

Ok, I'm serious now. I WILL NOT hit 195lbs. End of Story. I was shocked last year to find out I'm genetically disposed to have high cholesterol. I got it down pretty quickly by (self imposed) diet alone. I'm not going on medication as long as I'm able to walk. I'm guessing my LDL friends have hitched a ride on all those fat cells I got jigglin' around.

This is the catalyst for finally kicking off this blog. I'm going to be doing at least weekly updates of my progress to get back down to at least 170lbs, if not lower.

I'll probably also focus on my photography as well and from time to time some other ramblings.

As for now... 193.2lbs... 23.2 of you have to go...

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