Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Making the Right Choices

The IP(A) Project 29
Originally uploaded by dcumminsusa

As of Monday morning I've dropped 2.3lbs. I'm headed in the right direction. On Sunday I weighed in at 190.3lbs, but that was after a five mile run so most of that was water weight I had sweat out.

It's all a matter of making the choices, especially when it comes to meal time. I could choose to eat a burger or I could choose to eat some vegetable sushi. Both are filling and very tasty. One has lots of calories and fat. The other has significantly fewer calories and lots of nutrition.

Recently my workout routine hasn't been as consistent as it should be so the only other thing I can do is control my diet. One of the podcasts I listen to makes a good point:

Loose the diet drama. Anytime you are eating you are 'on' a diet. If you pig out on one meal, no big deal. You only have to wait until your next meal to get back on your diet. Its that easy.

Right now breakfast and lunch are easy. Breakfast generally consists of oatmeal and some fruit. Lunch is a little more difficult depending on if I go out with co-workers or work out. Dinner is the most difficult meal. I'm going to try and concentrate my efforts on doing better for dinner in the weeks to come.

1 comment:

Bexxi said...

Dan - I lost 28lbs over an extended period a few years back (OK, have put some of it back on, but oh well...).

What worked for me was calorie counting. Not saying this will work best for you, but it suited me well. Bought a book that gave the calorific value for 100g of pretty much anything (raw materials, not ready meals, which tend to be calorie bombs in any case) and then either weighed things carefully before cooking, or looked carefully at the values given on packs of food.

I aimed for 1200 calories per day, didn't always manage that, but it was a real feeling of success when it did work out and I had my list of various bits and pieces that I'd added to my diet that day. Over time, it also helped me develop a good feeling for what foods are low-calorie and where I needed to make compromises. And I found that after a couple of days I knew how many calories were in the standard things I ate or drank (a glass of orange juice, or a tin of chopped tomatoes or whatever).

Sport was also an important factor: a couple of times a week doing fairly vigorous stuff for an hour or two really helped.

It's my New Year's resolution to put some of this back into practice and get back down to where I was a couple of years ago, so I'll be more than happy to compare notes with you along the way.

I also have a bunch of low-cal recipes for this or that, so if you're looking for something in particular, give me a shout!
