Monday, August 19, 2019

The Pumpkin Spider

Last week I noticed a single web line show up in our yard. It caught my attention because it stretched between our patio heater and a shepherd's hook holding our hummingbird feeders. This is a distance of about 8-10ft (2.5m-3m), with no trees or structures above
. The following morning I noticed the web was complete. So I made mental note that the web actively being maintained. The next morning I was able to meet architect of this marvel:

It was eating breakfast and while I was about to leave for work, I decide to take the opportunity of the good morning light to take some portraits of this engineering master. I took several photos from different angles. Then I left for work.

The following morning was now a Saturday and so I decided to take some more photos of the builder while it was enjoying it's breakfast. I noticed the web was different. There as void in a different part of the web and I assume it was because a hummingbird had flow through the web on it's way to the feeder.

I was able to watch her finish her meal, and then descend into the bush below until she was out of sight. After I finished my yard work, I decided to use my Google-Fu to learn more about this new occupant in my backyard. It is a Marbled Orb-Weaver or Pumpkin Spider. It will take down and rebuild the web almost every night (I witnessed part of this process last night).

Only portions of the web are sticky and it remembers which portions are which. It will eat the old web in order to recycle it into new web. Here's a link where you can read more about these fascinating little creatures. Click on any of picture above to view them full screen. I also posted a photo over on my flickr page as well.

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