Thursday, January 3, 2008

Breaking A Paradigm

My Bro... Sting???
Originally uploaded by dcumminsusa
Yesterday evening I did something very contrary; contrary to most people's behavior at this time of the year and also apparently contrary to my goal of getting my weight down.

I canceled my gym membership.

Yup, right now millions of Americans are signing up for gym memberships to make good on their New Year's resolutions.

Not me.

First, let me clarify a few things which may not be obvious to a good portion of the people who might be reading this blog.

I used to be a lot "fatter." When I graduated from college I was 215lbs. Over the course of a year I got that down to 195lbs by cutting out a LOT of fast food and reducing my soda intake. Eventually I got more serious about things and lost some more weight. About a year ago on a bet; I switched to Vegetarian diet (almost Vegan, I still had an egg or cheese on occasion). In a matter of six weeks I dropped 15lbs and got down to my weight of 170lbs.

I joined the gym specifically because they had a pool and I needed someplace to practice my swimming because I was participating in some triathlons. This year I want to focus specifically on completing a full marathon or two. I don't need a gym to 'run'. In fact I really don't like running on a treadmill. If I need to go to a gym, the company gym is less than 100ft away from my desk and it's free.

If I can't make some progress using tools that are both free and convenient to me, I'm in real trouble.

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