Thursday, January 31, 2008

Pork Chop = Love

Another Rambling Thought...

The other night the phone rang while I was at work:

Girlfriend: "I'm leaving now, I'll be home soon."

Me: "Ok, I should be leaving soon too. I just need to finish up one thing."

Girlfriend: "On your way home can you pick me up a Sonic drink."

(Sonic Drink is a term we use to refer to her drink of choice from Sonic Drive-in's)

Me: "No."

Girlfriend: "Why not? Don't you love me?"

Me: "Yes, but love has nothing to do with a Sonic Drink. One does not need a Sonic Drink to have love nor does one need love to have a Sonic Drink. The two are mutually exclusive."

Girlfriend: *Laughs*

I stopped by Sonic on the way home, because unfortunately I would actually have to drive out of my way not to drive right past one on the way home.

Later that night after dinner, our youngest dog Daisy was trying to lick the juice of our plates from our pork chops as we loaded them into the dish washer.

Girlfriend: "Daisy you like pork chop?"

Me: "No, she's never had a pork chop. Just like she's never had your Sonic Drink. As far as she is concerned the two are the same. Pork Chop = Sonic Drink. Since she has no frame of reference for a Pork Chop, a Pork Chop could be the same as love for that matter. So based on Daisy's limited experience a Pork Chop = Love."

This got me thinking about just how much our opinions of all sorts of things that seem totally unrelated shape who we are and how we perceive the world. Then I got to thinking about my friends' kids. Their kids are a virtual clean slate... no frame of reference on so many things. It's hard for me to imagine not having at least a small inkling of an opinion on something the first time I experience it because I immediate (subconsciously) start to relate it to some other experience I have had.

Where am I going with this post?

I don't know... but I do know in our house right now... a Pork Chop equals Love.

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