Monday, March 3, 2008

"I'm Not Dead Yet..."

It's been about one month since I've updated my blog; far too long. I gave myself the goal of posting at least once a week when
I started.

A couple of quick updates:

My weight still hasn't changed, but my running has improved. This tells me a couple of things. On one hand my cardiovascular health must be better than it ever has been.


Because currently I can haul my jigglin' self around for 8-9 miles at a reasonable pace every weekend. In the past I weighed less and had a more difficult time running that kind of distance. My heart rate is also approximately at the same level it was when I was 20lbs lighter; meaning my heart/lungs aren't straining to move the heavier me. To me those are good things. If you are REALLY interested
you can see the my running routes, paces, distances, etc on my Motion Based web page.

The fact that my weight has not gone down confirms that I have not been disciplined in what I have been putting down my gullet. I'm consuming just the right number of calories... to maintain my weight. If I was consuming too many my weight would go up and if I was consuming less calories I would be experiencing some weight loss.

I had a physical about two weeks ago. Everything looked good and my doctor was impressed that someone my age is taking an active interest in their cholesterol and blood pressure. I still need to get my blood work done so I know all those specific numbers. I plan to get that done tomorrow.

I'll have some more posts coming soon...

The picture above is of my running shows, heart rate monitor, and workout towel. Click on it for the details.

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