Sunday, January 20, 2008


Originally uploaded by dcumminsusa
Warning: This is one of my rambling posts. No photography or "I'm fat" stuff here.

A few weeks, er months ago my best friend Greg taught me a life lesson I don't think I will ever forget. He did it and I'm certain he didn't know he did.

Let me say American's have it good. I would say we are spoiled. I feel that way about us. I am not hoping we change and I am just as much a part of it as the next person. I look around me... I live in a small, but nice house. I have a good job that pays well. I have a good immediate family with my parents and the girlfriend's parents nearby. I have enough money to afford the computer I'm using to make this blog post and I have enough money to purchase the gear that has allowed me to make my photographs. I'm rarely hungry for longer than 3-4 hours and I would be willing to say that I have yet to experience real hungry like so many others in the world.

My friend Greg some months ago was describing to me how he had just bought a game for his Nintendo Wii and noticed it had a bug. He contacted the game manufacturer who then proceeded to question how he had his Wii connected and how he was playing his game. This is the equivalent of anyone in the general population telling Stephen Hawking that he needs to double check his math. Greg was quite upset that the game manufacturer refused to acknowledge the issue. Then he told me if his biggest problem in life was that his game for his Nintendo Wii wasn't working then he's got it pretty good.

Since then there have been three or four times I have started to get agitated about something of similar caliber. Then I remember Greg's words...

I've got it pretty good.

1 comment:

noradawn said...

I was actually having a thought exactly like this Friday night. We had pesto for dinner (basil from our garden) and I was thinking about how I hate how oily the kids get while eating pesto. It's a challenge to get them into the bath from the dinner table without them touching anything! Anyway, as I was cleaning up, I thought, wow, I'm so lucky, my biggest complaint in life is that the kids get oily from eating pesto.